As far as I can see it does support frame accurate smart rendering when cutting videos ie. I have tested this build of avidemux which includes plugins that weren’t in the build version referred to in the original post. can be found in the debian buster repository : It should be noted that “ libfaac0 “ is a dependency for this build. For those who might be interested in downloading pre-compiled avidemux debs for the raspberry pi, links for both armhf and arm64 debs can be found within the following page:Īvidemux forum topi “Avidemux on Raspberry Pi 4 “ at:Īnd the dropbox link to the 2.74 armhf version debs are at: I note the link to the avidemux debs referred to in the original post no longer works. That's why the video oftens starts a short moment after the audio. VLC seems to have a problem with the first frames when using the MMAL decoder.
There are solutions for Windows which can do it: VirtualDub, TS Doctor (for MPEG TS TV streams, a commercial application). I'm cutting more than a thousand videos per year and without "Smart Rendering" it would take ages (reencoding each video completely). It still can't do it and they don't really see the importance. Thanks, the link you provided answered my question.
As far as I could tell the cuts seemed very accurate time wise but whether it was to the very frame I marked I am not sure how to tell. The non i-frames cut played fine in mpv, omxplayer and ffplay with no glitches or distortion but on replaying the non i frames cut in vlc the first second or too was just a static picture audio but no motion then the video played fine right to the end. When I cut at I-frames in copy mode at i-frames it was instantaneous.
I just did a little experiment with avidemux 2.74 in copy mode cutting an mp4 h264 video at non i-frames at both ends and it took just slightly longer to save the video (but still almost instantaneous) than when I cut same video at i-frames positions suggesting to me that the only re-encoding that took place was a few frames at both ends. Older versions of Avidemux could apply smart rendering to H263 encoded stuff, but not to H264. To get a seamless cut, you need smart rendering - or you have to reencode everything. One example: Cutting ads from TV recordings. This means, that small parts of the video have to reencoded (but not the whole video). Smart rendering means, that you can cut at any frame. Excuse any errors I am using my little Amazon tablet to type this and it ain't easy! PS as i recall you could when transcding select either target size or video quality and use constant or variable bit rate and use various filters sch as resolution etc. i suspect if I was doing extensive transcoding etc I woould probably use my windows machine.The question may be above my pay grade and better left to the original poster but if you can elaborate a little more on what you mean by smart rendering I will try to answer to the best of my ability when I get chance. My video editing needs are very basic at the moment. I believe all mediainfo would be the same.I did transcode one short video as an experiment and it accomplished the task as i recall quicker than the handbrake in the raspbian repository and also faster than winff gui for ffmpeg.The resulting qualty seemed to my uncritical eye to be comparable.If i recall the processing on a not terrbly high bit rate or resolution video seemed somewhat faster than real time. It worked great for my needs.No codec or format change.

I am not sure whether the cuts would be frame accurate.

In the menu i could have specified next frame rather than intra frame. I cut a few videos mp4's not avi's in copy mode at intra frame points. HI Guenter, I am away from my pi for a while and I will try to check when i get a chance.

Does this version of avidemux support smart rendering? And if so, for which codecs?